My Agile Approach To Teams

Each team culture is unique.

I dedicate time to deeply understand your needs first so we can focus on addressing long-lasting changes, not just a 'quick fix'.

πŸ” We analyze the health of your teams through qualitative and quantitative data.

πŸ“ We identify the high priority issues to tackle and define clear KPIs. We implement change in incremental steps.

πŸ”¬ We measure and learn from the results.

πŸ”‚ We iterate and repeat the process.

Approach Team Building With A Product Mindset

How We Can Work Together

Leadership Offsite And Conflict Resolution

Leadership Team Performance

⏯ When was the last time your took a step back to ensure that your leadership team is still moving in the same direction?

πŸ”Ž I will analyze your blind spots and help you remove the blockers for your team to excel.

🎯 With my work, you will gain clarity on your next strategic steps through:
β€’ Strengthening Trust and Psychological Safety
β€’ Conflict Resolution Mediation, Active Listening
β€’ Executive Vision, Values and Strategic Priorities
β€’ Company Retrospective, Post-Mortem, Pre-Mortem
β€’ Quarterly Strategic Reviews and Planning
β€’ Navigating Organisational Change/Pivot

Book A 30-min Call With Me

"Among the most impactful changes by Sophie was when she hosted an offsite with the leadership team, letting everyone walk through their perception of the past and the present to lay out everything on the table and then move forward.

The second most important thing was when she opened our eyes about us not working well as a leadership team, acknowledged where we were and that we needed to all to improve ourselves to work better as a team."

Nadjim Adjir, Savage Games Studio
Nadjim Adjir
Game Director and Co-Founder at Savage Games (PlayStation Studio)

"Sophie joined us post-acquisition and drove the transition of our studio from a startup to a well organized business unit. In practice, Sophie joined our leadership team setting up structures and foundations that helped to drive both the goals and the decision making of the leadership team.

On a personal and professional level, I also very much appreciated her way of challenging and evolving my own thinking as a leader and a manager."

Michail Katkoff, Deconstructor Of Fun
Michail Katkoff
Former CEO and Co-Founder at Savage Games Β (PlayStation Studio)
Sophie Vo, mobile games development, studio lead, game lead

1-1 Coaching & Mentoring

Who is it for? Any team leader, whether you're scaling your team or building a new one, and founders.

πŸš€ In 3 to 6 month, I will help you accelerate your leadership skills in:
β€’ Executive Management: planning, decision making, strategic thinking
β€’ Communication: navigating internal politics, managing up, internal comm, running 1-1
β€’ Emotional Intelligence: active listening, influencing, developing talents
β€’ Self-Leadership: self-awareness, emotional management, self-regulation

Book A 30-min Call With Me

"It was great to work with Sophie as we had regular 1-1s and I could ask her about anything leadership related. I especially feel that she had specific tips on what kind of challenges there can be when working in leadership positions as a woman. I also got good tips on how to communicate more efficiently which I still use!"

Charlotta Tiuri, Savage Game Studios
Charlotta Tiuri
Art Director at Neon Koi (PlayStation Studio)

"Sophie helped me to grow a lot through our 1:1s. She taught me how to embrace who I am as a person and a professional, and helped me a lot with daily challenges. Now I know how important it is to understand your team members to work efficiently together, by doing workshops and spending time together."

Aline Krebs, game art, Netflix, Next Ganes
Aline Krebs
Lead Artist at Next Games (Netflix Studio)

"Sophie has been incredible! She helped shape my business idea and gave my confidence a huge boost.

I highly recommend Sophie, her genuine coaching style made all the difference, offering support and inspiration that truly transformed my entrepreneurial journey."

Yousr Amri
UX/UI Designer & Consultant @YSRΒ Studio

"I was provided with on-point advice and concrete, achievable action points adapted to my career goals, that we would follow up with for the next session.

The highest impact from Sophie's coaching was her support and ability to inspire me to push myself out of my comfort zone and to always aim higher than I believed I was capable of."

Marianne Le Gall, Space Ape, Voodoo, UX Design
Marianne Le Gall
Senior UX Designer at Space Ape Games
company and people growth, scale

Product & People Scaling

πŸš€ You've secured a substantial amount of funding or have launched a promising game ready for rapid growth.

βš–οΈ It's imperative to scale up and hire swiftly to navigate the next phase of your company's growth, while keeping stability.

I will help you streamline your people organization and processes effectively:
β€’ hiring
β€’ onboarding
β€’ benefits & events
β€’ people's growth
β€’ promotions
β€’ offboarding

Book A 30-min Call With Me

"Among the most impactful leadership systems that Sophie implemented when we founded our casual studio at Voodoo were our Team DNAΒ Handbook, which was our "Bible" when it comes to the way we relate to each other, especially useful for multi-national teams.
Then, our monthly all-hands and pulse surveys that were essential for internal communication on strategic and sensitive topics, to keep everyone aligned on a regular basis. And last, the Mission Cards which helped define everyone's roles and expectations."

Marko Kecman, Product and Games Expert
Marko Kecmann
Former Co-Lead at 9C (Voodoo Studio)

"Sophie established a rigorous hiring process for our newly formed studio at Voodoo. Without a good, thorough and synergetic hiring process, the best outcomes for who would have join to work with us weren't able to be achieved. This trumps any strategic or game-specific system.
I also highly appreciated the Strategic Vision documents (project specific) which are a must-have to make people who develop together all go into the same direction with the product."

Niek Tuerlng, Naavik Writer, Consultant
Niek Tuerlings
Former Design Lead at 9C (Voodoo Studio)

The Best Time To Start Is Now

The Cost of Mismanagement

What is cost of hiring the wrong team member, director or co-founder?

What is the cost of green-lighting the wrong game?

What is the cost of inaction when holding onto an underperforming game, or retaining people with toxic behaviors?

πŸ’Έ From my experience, these mistakes can lead to the loss of your top talents, the disintegration of your team, project failure, and sometimes even the downfall of your company. We're talking about errors that can cost anywhere from $100,000 to $3 million annually!

⭕️ Without a cohesive leadership team and clear direction, it becomes impossible to determine who should belong in your team, what actions to take or avoid, and which direction to steer your team toward.

🧠 You need a clear mind to identify which bad decisions to avoid, which decisions to delegate, so you concentrate on the few, yet crucial ones that will have a significant impact on your company.

☠️ Mismanagement eventually breeds toxicity within your company culture. Address the small problems today before they become too big and complex to solve.

As a leader, the hardest step is to ask for help.

Are you committed to grow?

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